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/ Apple Reference & Present…nuary (Partner) - Disc 2 / The Apple Reference and Presentations Library (Disc 2)(January 1994).iso / SAS Institute / US English / JMP Statistical / JMP-PPC / JMP Demo Help / JMP Demo Help.rsrc / PICT_2150_Grouping Variable.png < prev    next >
Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  64KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (255 colors)
Labels: reckoner | sky
OCR: Grouping Variable The Grouping Variable command displays dialog that prompts you to sel classification variable When a grouping variable is in effect, the Fit by platform computes separate analysis for each level of the grouping varia and overlays the regression curves or ellipses on the scatterplot The each level of the grouping variable c identified beneath the scatterplot, individual dn-dod menus save remove fitting informa tion The Grouping Variable command checked when grouping variable is ir effect. You can change the grouping variable bv first selecting Grouping Variable command to remove (uncheck) the existing variable Then, select Grouping Variable command again and respond to its dialog as before An overlay of linear regression lines lets you compare slopes visually overlay of de ...